Conserve Water and Save

The following Everyday Savings Tip comes from, Lavonne:

Ever wonder how much water goes down your drain every time you open the hot water faucet and wait for the water to actually get become hot? It's approximately 1 gallon of wasted water. Now I know it's a pain to do, however, place a milk jug or gallon container under the faucet the next time. Then you can either water plants with that water or put it in the fridge to get cold for drinking. A GREAT way to conserve a precious resource.

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One Comment

  1. Rick Erickson says:

    I have a better way to save water that does not risk the drowning of the house plants.

    Our house is two story, rather long. Kitchen at one end, bedrooms and bathroom at the other, another bathroom upstairs.

    At each of these three points I have a Medlund hot water recirculation system with auto sensors. When a person nears the water source the pump starts bring hot water immediately to the faucet. It does not waste the water, while the pump is operating the water in the hot water side is set back to the cold water side, bringing no new water into the house. The small pump only runs for a few seconds.

    I have had the systems for many years with no problems. The systems were about $100 each and easy to install or wouldn’t cost much to have a plumber install. They make no noise and work fast. We live in a very rural area, our water comes from the ground and is all we have. Disposal is also an issue and this cutting down on waste reduces the amount to dispose of.

    THere are many recirculation systems on the market. There is one for every application and should be a must when building a new home.

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