5-Gallon Bucket or something to hold the cement ($5)
10 Pounds of Quick Setting cement ($5-$10 depending on variety)
4 Cups of Water (FREE)
2 Wooden Paint Stirrers or Sticks (FREE)
A box lid or whatever shape mold you want to use for your stone. We actually have our molds from using the boxed stone kit before so I’ll be using those. (FREE)
Pencil for writing in the concrete. (FREE)
Toys, Trinkets, Stones – whatever you want to use to decorate the stone ($2-$5)
Mix the cement and water with a paint stirrer or stick until it’s like an oatmeal consistency (double check the instructions on the cement bag/container in case it’s different). Obviously, don’t inhale the stuff – it’s dangerous :-)
Pour the mixed cement into your box lid or mold for the stone.
Use the other paint stirrer or stick to flatten the cement in the mold (so it’s nice and smooth).
Let the cement hardent for 5-10 minutes (or whatever the instructions state on the bag, some types are different).
Press your hands or feet or whatever human body part you’re gonna put in it and wash off immediately. If you don’t get the impression you want the first time, just smooth the surface out again and try over (as long as it’s not set too much).
Begin to put the trinkets and writing in it.
Let the mold set for at least 48 hours. If you take it out too soon, the cement won’t be set and it could fall apart!