Cut paper to the width and length of cards. I used note cards and only had to cut them in 1⁄2 to save time!
Glue the note cards on either side of the deck like a book cover. This is not a requirement for the project, as I think we crafters could think of a thousand different ways to make little covers for a book like this. Easier the better for me and my dwindling time!
Glue paper on the design side of the card. I was able to find this cute deck buried in our game cupboard with the 2 LOVE birds!
Write little love buds on each card expressing the ways that make your man more special each day.
Take out your deck of cards and be sure all cards are facing the same way. Hole punch one side at the top of each card. Hole punch the bottom (as shown above) if you want to double ring it.
Slide all the cards onto some sort of key chain ring.